Environmental Monitoring and Management

SWE offers value for money environmental monitoring of groundwater, surface water, dust, vibration and noise.

Do your business activities have the potential to pollute or contaminate the environment?  Is your site subject to an environmental management plan as a result of remediation?  If so, you probably have an environmental protection license (or similar) with requirements for regular environmental monitoring.

We can assist with cost effective environmental monitoring of:

•    Groundwater
•    Surface water
•    Leachate
•    Air
•    Noise
•    Dust

SWE can also assist with workplace health and safety monitoring.

Does it feel like you have been monitoring your remediated land at no end in sight?  If so, SWE can review available data and may be able to recommend ceasing monitoring all together or amend the environmental management plan to reduce the monitoring strategy, chemicals or analytes, number and frequency of sampling locations resulting in reduced costs.